
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Re-evaluating What Goal Setting Means

I am embarking on a new series on this blog about goal setting. I am a big dreamer, I often got in trouble in grade school for letting my mind wander during class. To my step mom's chagrin, I couldn't contain my desire to make a wish blowing dandelion fluff. Every night, even now, I wish on the first star I see.  Sometimes the only way I fall asleep at night is to imagine my following day. My mom and I used to "paint the ceiling"with all or imaginary thoughts of the future. Dreams and I are bffs. Dreams are beautiful, and give hope. But, how do we make dreams or reality? 

Well, I'm not actually sure. I'd like to think that dreams and goal setting go hand in hand. As a compulsive list maker, I have set many a goal. I am a fan of New Year's Resolutions. I'd like to learn how to set more effective goals to show me to reach my dreams. I invite you to follow me on this journey with your own goals.

Here's how I'm starting;
1. I am breaking my dreams down into more reasonable, smaller, more attainable goals.
2. I am making sure to avoid words that will make me feel like I've screwed up if I miss a day. No daily goals and no hard numbers and no constricting deadlines.
3. I will not allow myself to feel guilt if I take a few steps back in reaching my goals.
4. I am only focusing on a few goals at a time.
5. I will look at ways to brighten up my goals and actually make them FUN.

I plan on stealing my mom's plan, the credit for this model lies with her. She calls the model P.I.E.S.S. and nothing could make us sisters run faster than hearing mom say, "girls, let's work on your PIESS!" What a boring snore fest we thought it was! As an adult I love the idea, so I'm running with it.

P- physical: my postpartum issues have made me gain some weight.
                      1. Log my intake
                      2. Eat more fruits and veg.
                      3. Get out of the house more on walks and bike rides
                      4. Eat super foods like (blech) liver, seeds and beets.
I- intellectual: I'm going to put art and knowledge in the same category.
                      1. Do more with project life.
                      2. Read books for my own enjoyment.
                      3. Start painting again.
                      4. Look at my options for going back to school.
                      5. Take more pictures.
E- emotional: postpartum and seasonal blues.
                      1. Even if it's just a line here and there, start journaling.
                      2. Compile a list of inspiring quotes that I come across.
                      3. Get a happy light.
S-social: they say that it's truly hard to make friends after college.
                      1. Go dancing with my girls.
                      2. Keep a job.
S- spiritual: this means something different for everyone, I will:
                       1. Meditate, study and pray.
                       2. Go to church.

I will follow up on these occasionally with my own progress as well as more tips as I do research. Good luck, I hope this helps anyone wanting to work on goals.

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