
Monday, February 24, 2014

Mixtape Mondays #2 Sharing Sunshine

This playlist is for my dear sister. My playlist last week was way to mellow for her. It was just my speed, for the record. I wanted to give her something really cheerful to pick her up a little. None of these songs are new (although the Ragina Spektor song is only a year old.) And before you tease me for choosing the twangiest country song ever, let me defend myself. "It's a Great Day to be Alive" is one of the best songs ever written. It is full of happiness and gratefulness, a little something I think we should all have a little more of. I wish I had written it, and if I could figure out what to do with the words "old harley" and "fu man chu" I would almost definitely be trying to cover it. Jen, I hope this playlist makes you happy. I love you! Burn some citrus scented candles and get even happier! XO!
Mixtape Mondays #2 Sharing Sunshine by Kaela Lopez on Grooveshark

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