
Our Story

So many things...

are going through my head as we embark upon this new blog as sisters. But first, I think an introduction is in order. As the name of our blog suggests, we are two sisters from the Northwest, now living in the Midwest. We grew up by the sea, and although we now live in Utah, the pebbled beaches of Washington will always feel like home.

We are six years apart, which means, growing up we didn't have a lot in common. We have different fathers too, which at times made us feel diametrical in our tastes and preferences. I hope you will view these differences as we have come to view them; as abundant diversities that add complexity and sweet medley to this blog that you will not find elsewhere.

As adults however, as we can appreciate our differing tastes, we have also been pleasantly surprised by the ever narrowing gap between us and what we love.
So much the same...

In this blog you will see just how alike we are in our admiration of the good things in life. We appreciate rich culture, good music, savory foods, photography, art and nature. We have a love for old things, for real things. We collect washed-up, dug-up bottles and treasures. We scavenge thrift stores for quirky art, timeless furniture and classic books. We decorate our homes with things that have stories and long-lives. Kaela loves music, I love literature and we both love what binds them together--the human spirit. Having grown-up experiencing many things that would extinguish that same spirit, we learned to find it, cherish it and to cultivate it. We know what it is to be alive and not really live.

We learned this from the common thread in our hearts, our mother. She raised us to love and appreciate beauty found in common things. She taught us the value of a good story, any story really, whether it be the story of a people or the story of an old painting. She taught us to enjoy rainy Sundays curled up with a good book, with candles lit and soft music filling the quiet in our home. She taught us to search for the things that fill us with passion, that give our soul a song and our heart a verse.

Both with children of our own now, we continue the search. We seek out the good things in life and we seek to pass them on to our children and others. So this blog is a travelogue of our lives, woven together by so many things...

So many things...

we want to share and do and feel.

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