
Monday, March 31, 2014

Mixtape Mondays #4 slightly guilty pleasures.

I am a cat lover, always have been. I used to write short stories about owning cats as an adult when I was a smallish child. I feel somewhat guilty about my desire to own a French Bulldog. They are so cute! I feel a similar pang of guilt about the color pink, watching shows like The Secret Life of the American Teenager, peanut butter, pickle and maple syrup sandwiches and jump roping.
I don't like to listen to the radio, it's boring to hear the same songs over and over, not to mention the ridiculous amounts of commercials. I tend to think I shy away from the mainstream (not true, I am in love with pinterest and devastated that HIMYM is over today.) This being said, there are some great ear-wormy songs that I just love, and these are they. So mainstream that I deem them guilty pleasures, so fun that I can't help but love them.

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