
Monday, March 31, 2014

Mixtape Mondays #4 slightly guilty pleasures.

I am a cat lover, always have been. I used to write short stories about owning cats as an adult when I was a smallish child. I feel somewhat guilty about my desire to own a French Bulldog. They are so cute! I feel a similar pang of guilt about the color pink, watching shows like The Secret Life of the American Teenager, peanut butter, pickle and maple syrup sandwiches and jump roping.
I don't like to listen to the radio, it's boring to hear the same songs over and over, not to mention the ridiculous amounts of commercials. I tend to think I shy away from the mainstream (not true, I am in love with pinterest and devastated that HIMYM is over today.) This being said, there are some great ear-wormy songs that I just love, and these are they. So mainstream that I deem them guilty pleasures, so fun that I can't help but love them.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Travelogue Tuesdays; Davis Creek Trail

As the weather warms up, I have been hiking more and more and loving it. The trails are still barren, with only the bones of winter as the surrounding view. Hiking at this point in the season isn't for the scenery so much as for the fresh air, open skies and exercise. Keeping that in mind, the pictures from this week's travelogue reflect that. I plan to do another travelogue on this trail in the upcoming spring and summer months as this trail is likely to become a favorite. All pictures are taken with my iphone 4s.

Here's a few tips when hiking in late Winter & early Spring:

1) Find a trail clean from depris and where the snow has melted.
2) Wear shoes that have thick rubber soles that are easy to wash, as you will get a little muddy.
3) Wear layers. You will most likely get warm enough to take off your jacket on the way up the mountain, but on the way down you will get a little chilly.
4) Bring a plastic grocery bag to sit on since there are few dry spots.
5) Pack a light bag with usual provisions like water, snacks, compass, small first aid kit, toilet paper and a pocket knife. If you are going to be gone longer than a few hours, hiking in the dark, or picnicking you'll need to pack appropriately.
6) If you are going to hike as a family with small children, always hike the trail (preferably with another adult) beforehand to time how long it takes to hike, map out the terrain, rate the difficulty, etc.
7) If you are going to hike alone, bring some type of protection like a dog, mace, etc., because the trails have very little human traffic during this season, making it perfect for predators. Also there are more animals roaming about as well. We saw a fox on our last hike. Just be careful. When I hiked this trail alone I didn't go very far and kept my cell phone close. Which leads me to my last piece of advice...
8) As always, be sure to have some form of communication with you so that if something happens you can call for help.

Now onto my travelogue of Davis Creek Trail:

As you go up the trail, you'll reach a point where you can see a waterfall in the distance. There is also a little bench to sit on and enjoy the view.

Hiking selfie from when I hiked the trail alone (not recommended, it's a bit creepy due to the lack of people on the trail.)

The view is really spectacular from up there, you can see the whole valley.

And here's the waterfall, wedged between the sharp square boulders.

The only green on the trail to be found...other than the small patches of grass starting to line the way.

We hiked the trail as a family. It's really steep at first but does level off. It took about an hour from bottom to top and back again.

Sitting on the bench, overlooking the waterfall in the distance.

Here's a link to directions and information about the trail.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Travelogue Tuesdays; Kays Creek Parkway

No matter how much we are teased by sunny, springlike weather, we are still in the bowels of Winter. Because of this, whenever the sun peeks through the grey of winter I like to get out, and go somewhere local, for some sunshine and fresh air.

Here in Layton, where I live, there is a wonderful little trail I like to go to. It's secluded, and more outdoorsy feeling than a park; it has paved trails, so soggy trails and snow banks aren't a problem you come across like you do in other more remote locations. So you get the feel of a mountain trail without the winter inconveinces of one.


Mixtape Mondays #3 (on a Tuesday) PERK

After a few difficult weeks of illness, we are looking at moving to a different city. My husband found a new job, and I am happy for him, but I am scared of change. This whole situation has gotten me pretty down, and thus, I am doing Mixtape Monday on a Tuesday. I entitled it perk in hopes that it will get me
By the way, this photo is 100% real,  I am kind of obsessed with it and ispired by it. Read about it here.
Mixtape Mondays #3 by Kaela Lopez on Grooveshark